Mahmutlar Diş Hekimi Dİş Kronları için İlk Adım
Three Step Process for Dental Crown:
1. Consultation and Preparation:
The dentist evaluates the patient's oral health and determines whether a crown is necessary. This involves:
Mouth x-rays and measurements are taken
Treatment options are discussed and the appropriate crown material is selected.
Preparation procedures such as cleaning the decay and shaping the tooth to fit the crown are performed.
Measurements of the prepared tooth and the surrounding teeth are taken.
2. Crown Production:
Once the tooth is prepared, the crown is fabricated:
The dental technician creates a detailed tooth model using the measurements taken.
The crown is fabricated using the selected material (for example, porcelain, ceramic or metal).
For laboratory-made crowns, a temporary crown may be placed to protect the prepared tooth.
3. Installation and Placement:
In the final step, the permanent crown is placed on the tooth:
The dentist checks the fit, color and bite pattern of the crown.
Necessary adjustments are made for comfort and correct fit.
The crown is secured in place using dental adhesive.
The patient is given instructions for care and use.
This process ensures that the dental crown fits perfectly into the patient's mouth, restoring both functionality and aesthetic appearance.
MAHMUTLAR DENTAL CLINIC | TOOTH STONE CLEANINGTop-tier patient-centered dentistry services
10+ Years of Experience
With our expertise and experience, we create the best treatment plans for each of our patients.
Superior Care
As one of the best dentists in Alanya for over 7 years, we have provided our patients with a healthy and aesthetic smile.
The Most Advanced Technology
We invest in industry-leading technologies to ensure your comfort and deliver the highest quality diagnosis and treatment.
Patient Comments
Dentist Tolga Torun Answered For You
Diş kronları genellikle uzun ömürlüdür ve doğru bakım ile 10-15 yıl veya daha fazla dayanabilir. Dayanıklılık kullanılan malzeme (zirkonyum, porselen vb.), ağız hijyeni ve düzenli diş hekimi kontrollerine bağlıdır.
Hayır, diş kronu yerleştirilirken lokal anestezi uygulanır, bu nedenle işlem sırasında ağrı hissedilmez. Hafif hassasiyet oluşabilir, ancak bu durum kısa sürelidir.
Evet, modern malzemelerle yapılan diş kronları doğal diş renginde ve yapısında tasarlanır. Özellikle zirkonyum ve porselen kronlar, estetik olarak doğal dişlere çok benzerdir.
Your smile
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